Courses: Winter 2023

The course schedule for the winter term is now available through the website of our partner, the Faculté de Théologie Évangélique. Please note the following dates:

  • 7 décembre: inscriptions ouvertes
  • January 8th: last day to register without a late fee (+$25/course)
  • January 9th: beginning of term

Our director, Bernard Westerveld, will teach the course Reformed Confessions of Faith.

In addition, a member of the Farel team, Jacques Boulet, will teach Introductory Greek II.

Here is the list of courses:

  1. The Interpretation of the Old Testament in the New Testament – Dominique Angers
  2. Reformed Confessions of Faith – Bernard Westerveld
  3. Preparation for Theological Studies – Jeanne Djaballah et Alaina Di Staulo-Garcia
  4. Worship – Jeanne Djaballah
  5. Research and Writing Seminar – Jean Maurais
  6. Homiletics II – Dominique Angers
  7. Exegesis of the Greek New Testament – Philippe Bonicel
  8. Systematic Theology III – M. Moury
  9. Hebrew IV – Exegesis of Chosen Texts – Jean Maurais
  10. Church History II – Paul Millemann
  11. Introductory Greek II – Jacques Boulet
  12. Hermeneutics and Theology – Amar Djaballah
  13. Psychology and Psychiatry – Paul Millemann

To see the course scheduleand the course descriptions, click here.

To see the course syllabi, click here.