Bannière Réformée Francophone (BRF) is a publishing ministry under the direction of Farel.
Vision: Help believers discover the richness of Reformed doctrine so they can better live out God’s grace.
Mission: For the glory of God and the edification of the Church, we want to:
- Make works of Reformed confession and practice accessible to French speakers;
- Equip pastors, elders and deacons of Reformed and Evangelical churches, as well as theology students;
- Promote French-speaking Reformed authors.
Reformed works recommended by readers and approved by the BRF steering committee are published by Publications chrétiennes under the imprint Éditions La Rochelle.

We are grateful to receive recommendations for books to be published, either texts in English to be translated or original manuscripts written by French-speaking authors. Contact us here:
- 514-710-5801
Please recommend our books to your friends.

Bernard Westerveld
Director, BRF
The complete list of our books
Visit theÉditions La Rochelle page for a complete list of our published books (see also the Facebook page for news).
Here are some of our books: