Courses: Summer 2022

Enrolment is open for the summer 2022 trimester through the website of our partner, the Faculté de Théologie Évangélique (FTE). The summer term starts on May 2.

Please note that our director, Jacques Boulet, will be teaching the course entitled Theology of the Reformation, an advanced course based on primary source readings and focusing on Luther and Calvin.

Here is the list of courses:

  1. Theological English – Jeanne Djaballah
  2. Pauline Litterature : 2 Corinthians – Pierre Constant
  3. Leadership in the church – David Rowley
  4. Family in Christian Perspective – Ofelia Bejarano
  5. History and Principles of Professing Churches – Sylvain Aharonian
  6. Theology of the Reformation – Jacques Boulet
  7. Contextual Theology – McTair Wall

To see the course schedule and full course descriptions, click here.

To see the syllabus for one of these courses, click here.